Al Mamoon Group Yemen

Al-Mamoon Telecom and Information Technology

Khaldon Construction Company (KCC)


Khaldon Travel and Tourism

Al-Mamoon Trading and Investment

Group Founder Message
I grew up within a family business in pharmaceutic, old telecommunication systems, travel and tourism but decided to establish my own private business whereby, I started in telecommunication with shops in Sana’a for people to make national and international phone calls through modern telephone public booths.
I am glad to share that it has grown into a fully-fledged business under the name of Al-Mamoon Group where we are today a major distributor of mobile products and services in Yemen. We introduced Al Mamoon Mobily e-payment application to serve Yemen Mobile customers. This was thankfully due to the team’s hard work, planning and excellent business relations that led to our meteoric rise.
Al-Mamoon Group is not only a leader in telecommunication products and services but with time and ambition the group has expanded the business to other sectors such as car rental, construction, travel and tourism. Looking to the future, we are in process with our partners to enter into new business in clean energy (solar and wind power).
We at Al-Mamoon Group believe in a proactive approach to all aspects of our business, but in particular to quality, delivery and safety. We have been strongly committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service to maintain excellent relationships between us.
Mohamed Yahya Al-Haifi
Al-Mamoon Group